Crush it in an online class!

2020 has been quite the roller coaster year – adjusting to new schedules, new normals, new rules and limitations. It has been frustrating to say the least, but not impossibe to thrive and get things done.

It can be easy to write off your goals and dreams in a year like this one. But the amazing thing about the era we live in is that technology has make it CRAZY EASY to stay connected, learn, grow and thrive. Sure we have to get a little creative here and there – but the good news is – Its NOT Impossible.

Hang on to your dreams, your hopes, your plans, and desires for everything you wanted to accomplish this year to be because YOU CAN DO IT! We have had some great success with students who have transitioned to online classes – from completing levels and official RCM exams to writing our own music and playing our favorite hits – online classes have made it possible for us to continue the learning and fun while keeping everyone we love safe!

Here are some suggestion on how you can CRUSH online classes during this season!

  1. Set a reminder for class time and log in 5 minutes early!

By coming in a little early to the Video chat you can ensure you’re instrument is tuned and ready to go, perhaps get in a warm up and be totally ready for when class starts!

2. The Set up

Have your main device that will log into Zoom placed at an angle where we can see your hands on the instrument. Make sure you also have a place to view your music properly while in class. The computer or device you are using should be plugged in or fully charged, the sound turned up and video enabled!

3. Have a Pencil and a Highlighter handy

Since the teacher can’t physically help you mark the music you will have to do that on your own. Having a highlighter and pencil handy will help you mark fingering, articulation, notes, and write in practice reminders and homework. Students just beginning on piano should have a blue and pink highlighter handy to help mark the Right and Left hand prompts.

4. Make sure you are in a relatively quite place in the house

By being in a quiet environment you can eliminate distractions and it will be much easier for the teacher to hear you, and you to hear your teacher!

5. Have another device handy

If you don’t have a separate metronome or speaker handy having an extra device can be very useful as a Metronome ( download metronome app), for backup music ( drums/ vocal) or for lyrics ( vocal).

6. Be patient

Yes. Sometimes there are connection issues with internet and glitches. Thats expected. Just be patient through it – sometimes you may have to repeat what you said or played but in the end we are making progress and thats what really counts.

Thats it! Follow those suggestions and you should have an amazing class!

Hope this helps, and has encouraged you to keep moving forward despite everything going on around us. We can still achieve great things and use technology to achieve our goals and dreams.

Happy Virtual Learning!